Probate problems can absolutely impact the sale of a house.
Probate issues can add potential challenges for buyers and the estate executor. Probate issues with the title can keep the property from being transferred to a new owner. This type of issue can delay or possibly prevent the sale. In some cases, a court has to approve the sale of a probate property. When there are disputes and other complex issues, the court can get involved. When there are multiple beneficiaries, disagreements about price can also stall the process and require legal intervention. Estate taxes can also affect the sale of a property. In order to navigate probate related challenges when selling a house, it’s important to have a lawyer. A lawyer will be able to help streamline the process and make sure that all legal requirements are satisfied. Problems with probate kept us from being able to keep the house that my mom and dad owned. My brothers and I could not agree on keeping the house, so we decided to sell it to a cash buyer in Jacksonville. The Jacksonville cash buyer offered us 20% below market value for the house. My brothers did not want to accept the cash offer, but it was the best offer we had on the house. A cash offer also made the sale much easier. After my brother’s finally accepted the offer and agreed to sign the paperwork, we met with the Jacksonville cash buyer and signed all of the paperwork. Each one of us got a third of the proceeds from the sale.
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